
WClasses HomePage

Welcome to WClasses!

This is an alpha build of a project that I have been thinking of working on for a while.

Essentially, the problem that this website aims to solve is to provide a simple UI to two functionalities that UW Flow does not currently provide:

  • view past offerings of courses;
  • view what courses professors have taught in the past;

Note: since much of the data is in a table format, it might not be ideal to view this website on a mobile device. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Find my contact details and other projects here on my personal website

Check out the code and suggest changes/improvements on the GitHub for this website.

View Course

The subject code is the subject associated with the course, e.g. CS, MATH, ENGL, CO, PSYCH, etc.
The catalog number is the rest of the course code, e.g. 135, 246E, 108D, etc.
So, for the course MATH 135, the subject code would be MATH, and the catalog number would be 135.

View Professor